System #21: Boundaries
System #19: Embrace Suffering
System #16: Imagination
Short: Knowledge and Separation
To know something, you need to separate it. To know you, I need to separate you from the crowd. It requires focus, and focus blinds us to everything else. Our left brain is known for naming, logicizing and understanding the world, but it does that through the act of separating it into pieces. Our whole existence has been built on that...
Genesis 2:16-17
"And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, 'You may surely eat of every tree of the garden, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.
Yet there exists another path, the path of connection, the path of being part of this co-creative dance that happens all around us. Not needing to understand it, not seeking to control it, but seeking its rhythm, its pace. This is the way of the right brain. It's a way of letting us feel the heartbeat of the universe. This is the way of plants, trees, animals and insects. Feeling, sensing, and acting.
Belying each of those worlds exists a gift that can be claimed for whomever wishes. On one hand, control, power, knowledge, and on the other, peace, surrender, guidance. Neither world is better or worse, they both exist within us. In every moment both worlds are active, it only matters which one we play with; which one serves our purpose.
I believe our culture has denigrated the right brain for far too long, and as it has atrophied, our world has suffered. We were made to carry these two worlds for a reason, we were made to control and know...while being connected and in flow.
On one hand you had the Native Americans, who lived with the land and helped it thrive. On the other Europeans who dominated it and discovered new technologies. One was filled with health, and spiritual abundance but lacked "material wealth" the other built on the backs of a sickly cast of workers utilizing nature for their masters means.
One had power. One had life.
Yang and Yin. Yin and Yang.
As cycles go, if Yang won out before and led to our technological boon a the expense of our connection to nature; to the universe; to God. I have a nagging suspicion that it will also lead us back full circle to living again with nature; back in the connection that gave us life...back in the arms of the Divine.
Short: The Universe is On Your Side
The entirety of everything that exists co-creates the very next moment. It creates that future based on the essence, desires and needs of each individual member and all members collectively. When it does that, that future becomes stable, when one member doesn’t express their needs or desires, or what they truly are, the future that is created is not as stable.
You, with your story, gifts, skills, connections, and relationships, have a certain you that no one else can fill. You are a puzzle piece within the greater puzzle of the emerging future.
Because the emerging future needs you to complete the stable puzzle, the rest of the puzzle is actively pulling you into place. It’s actively trying to bring out your true being, to provide for your true needs, and to fulfill your true desires, because a puzzle based on that is a puzzle that’s not changing.
Curious who you are? Check out HD Genie
Short: Water Creation via Solar Wind
We've been told that water arrived on earth through comets, and asteroids, but a recent study proved that the solar wind is constantly interacting with the earth's atmosphere to create water. This process is small, but over millions and millions of adds up. Here's how it would work, hydrogen ions (H+) in the solar wind would break apart ozone (O3) in our atmosphere and recombine into H2O misting the earth with water:
H+ + O3 → OH + O2
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