Exploring systems that work.

To love something, you have to understand it, be around it, have a relationship with it. We fear things because we don’t understand them. When we fear, we don’t see, we run; we don’t listen we defend; we don’t ask, we assume.

Fear has been the cause of countless atrocities, like racism, segregation, genocides. When individuals have the courage to reach across the aisle, tracks, borders and meet a fellow human being, friendships develop, wounds are mended, nations are healed. Our minds were meant to be just as open as our hearts.

When we allow a crack to form in the programs we’ve carried with us our whole lives, we step away from stereotyping people based on their gender, skin color, or religion and start to see them as individuals. We see them based on their likes and dislikes, strengths and gifts, kindnesses given and kindnesses returned.

For example, Daryl Davis, a black man, built a friendship with a leader of the KKK And over the course of 10yrs, by practicing patience, kindness, and grace, turned his heart against the ideology where he not only left, but publicly denounced his previous beliefs and acknowledged Daryl as a friend. Daryl has since helped many members leave and stands as a testament to the power of connection.

What are you afraid of? What are you not allowing yourself the possibility of understanding? Where is your mind and your heart closed?

Maybe it’s time to open up?…

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